Kirkistown Castle Clubhouse has evolved greatly over the years

As you can see from the pictures the Kirkistown Castle Clubhouse has evolved greatly over the years yet has managed to maintain its warm, homely character – helped of course, by the Staff and Members who frequent it daily. The Clubhouse is the hub of Club life; upon entering you will often smell the aromas of silverside roast lingering down the hallway; if you weren’t hungry before, you will be!

Our Bar Staff will meet you with a welcoming smile and your ‘usual’ will be set up before you can say ‘Guinness’. Our regulars are always ready to banter and the craic is second to none. The food is good, the drink is good and the craic is fuelled by both – what more could you ask for !

Our Clubhouse facilities include:

* The Braid Bar & The Snug Bar
* The Braid Restaurant & Lounge
* The Centenary Room
* Private Function Room
* Gents Locker Room
* Ladies Locker Room
* Club Office