How To Apply:
If you have any questions about membership options then please get in touch and we'll help you identify the best membership option for you.

We offer various categories of Membership from House to Full playing membership. For the casual or avid dedicated golfer, we have a playing category that will suit you to a tee!

Apply now via our online Application Form or simply us the contact us form, your application will be processed and considered at the monthly Club Council Meeting.

If accepted you will be invoiced for the appropriate annual subscription amount for your category as well as Golfireland levy and insurance. We offer the option to pay subscriptions by direct debit for the subscription year in advance.

If you join mid-way through the year, you will be invoiced on a pro-rata basis. When paid you will receive a Membership Card and Welcome Pack with all you need to know about the Club.

Contact us today to discuss your requirements:


142 Main Road, Cloughey, Northern Ireland, BT22 1JA

028 42 771233